

Mumbles to Nashville & Back Again!

This weekend sees the launch of my new single ‘When You’re Away’, a duet with Nashville based Singer Songwriter Alyssa Bonagura. Now you might think to yourself how is ‘Mumbles Mal’ recording with a Country Queen from Tennessee and I have to say it’s quite a story…

I think I’m going down with something…

This is the week Christmas finally arrived for performers up and down the country. The sale of Vocalzones and fruit pastilles at shops close to theatres across the country has probably gone through the roof as singers and actors try their best to ward off what is ‘going around’ at the moment.

Bells For Heaven

A few weeks ago I thought it would be good to put a video together and asked through social media if people would send me photographs of their loved ones that I could include. I was totally overwhelmed by the response. I also miscalculated the emotional impact putting together the song and video would have on me.

Good Foundations

There is a chorus that we used to sing in Sunday School which has always stuck in my mind. ‘The wise man built his house upon the rock’. This weekend I’m hopefully helping to build on Good Foundations…The Swansea City AFC Foundation.