It’s been a long time since I’ve been anywhere. I feel as if I’ve been in lockdown all year and most of the time I spend my days in my jogging bottoms, a pair of UGGs (no socks) and a T shirt. I’ve started adding an old jumper these past few days as the temperature drops but on the whole its been a fairly consistent set of wardrobe choices for the last few months. That’s what made Thursday afternoon so exciting, I had a date.
This whole episode will show how my perception of time has changed since the start of the virus crisis. My exciting adventure started last weekend when I couldn’t get into my car. After trying a few internet suggestions about how to ‘break in’ it soon became clear that I had a flat battery and the electric doors wouldn’t work. In normal times this would have been a disaster but as the car has sat still on the drive most of the time since March I didn’t rush to rectify the situation.
On Monday I found a way to get into the car and put the battery on charge. On Tuesday I tried to start the car, but it was just as dead as it was on the weekend. On Wednesday I borrowed a set of jump leads and managed to get the car to spark back into life. By Thursday morning it was as flat as a pancake again.
I spoke to a couple of battery specialists, giving them the details, and how I had tried to remedy the situation and they all came back with the same technical response. Sir, your battery is ‘kna****ed’.
On Thursday morning, I manged to book an appointment to get the battery changed that afternoon and by re-borrowing the jump leads I had given back, I finally got the car started again.
That’s when it got a little bit complicated, I was suddenly faced with the question…what was I going to wear for my big date? I didn’t want anyone at the garage to think I was a lockdown slob so I couldn’t wear the jogging bottoms. A 3 piece suit would have been a little overdressed. In the end I settled on a fresh pair of jeans, (when I say fresh I mean I washed and ironed them months ago and they been in the wardrobe ever since), a fresh T shirt (without any stains) and a fairly smart jacket.
I’ve now added a jumper to the t shirt and jogging bottoms
Of course, I don’t think anyone at the garage paid any attention to the way I was dressed. Well, they might have but because we were all wearing masks I couldn’t tell if they were impressed or amused but for me it was a day out and I was going to make the most of it.
As I sat waiting for the battery to be fitted I found myself checking the latest news updates about the probable lockdown measures due to be introduced over the coming days. It soon became apparent, my trip to the garage would probably be my last dressing up, going out date for quite some time.
Taking this continued ‘lockdown’ way of life into consideration I suppose we all have to plan and make new arrangements. I think I need to start thinking a little more long term about my wardrobe choices. Earlier in the pandemic, faced with a spate of business Zoom meetings, I had found that I spent a fair bit of time thinking about what to wear ‘above the waist’ whilst the joggers or shorts have been a constant below the table.
It’s just such a waste. Even if I say so myself, over the past few years I have built up an eclectic collection of jeans, suits jackets and shirts which have served me well.
As the weeks have passed and the number of online meetings has declined I just haven’t needed to disturb my wardrobe at all. Most days there are only a handful of people who see me and to be honest I think my granddaughter probably wouldn’t recognise me without my joggers.
But its amazing how creative people can be and see an opportunity even in a crisis. This week an unsolicited clothing brochure dropped on the mat. The words that jumped out at me were ‘Relaxed Glamour’. The company have spotted a gap in the market. Their new collections of ‘Relaxed Glamour’ include lounging suits which look very much to me like expensive track suits but without the sporting touches, stripes and logos.
I think they might be on to something. If we are going into lockdown for a couple of months maybe I need to smarten up my act.
It’s all very well ‘slobbing’ about the place for the last 8 months but Mal, really, enough is enough. As my grandmother used to say, ‘you put a price on yourself’. Looking through the catalogue there appear quite a number of different combinations. Tops with matching leggings, maybe a new pair of matching comfortable slippers for special occasions.
It could be said that it doesn’t really matter how I look if no one sees me but I’m starting to think that it might be time to get to grips with this pandemic and start being a positive dresser. As Mark Twain is supposed to have said,
“Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence in society.”
Even if my dressing for success isn’t seen by anyone expect my nearest and dearest maybe for my own sense of worth I should start thinking a bit more carefully about what I am wearing, I need to smarten up a little and keep those joggers for dress down Fridays!!!
Thanks Mal. At least the market for batteries isn’t flat! We’ve had similar problems. And, as far as clothing goes, while people look on the outward appearance, thank God that He looks on our hearts!