

It’s ok to dream again because maybe this time the decision will go your way.

Life, as they say, is full of surprises. I’ve been thinking about this more and more over the past week.  Maybe it’s because we are approaching the anniversary of going into lockdown, or maybe, and you can call me shallow if you like, maybe it’s the strange outcomes we have had in a number of …

It’s ok to dream again because maybe this time the decision will go your way. Read More »

Time to Talk

So now I have 2 podcasts, ‘The Mal and Johnny Show’ and ‘Mal Pope in Conversation’. There are no limits to the choice of podcast guests and no limits on where the stories can go. With no one watching the clock there really is time to talk.

We are all Broken Instruments

During lockdown people had to find new ways to be creative. In this blog Mal Pope talks about a new musical project he was involved in call ‘Broken Instruments’ which tells the stories of violins rescued from the Holocaust and their incredible owners